I’M Jennifer Tak

Integrative Health Practitioner & Energy Coach

Embodied Health

Simple, Sustainable Health for Busy Professionals

I help career-focused women who are struggling with chronic stress, ill-health and exhaustion to regain their energy, mental clarity and motivation naturally.


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About Me

A few years ago, I was a corporate lawyer – always in meetings, stressed out, running on empty. The stress was affecting my health. Sometimes I was so tired, I couldn’t think straight. Do you ever hit the snooze button again and again and again because you just can’t get out of bed? I often fell asleep on the train home and sometimes even missed my stop.

I was tired all the time but I couldn’t sleep, constantly worrying about all sorts of things. Headaches were becoming the norm. I was also getting sick more often. I was doing so many things but felt like it was never enough. Always running through the to do list in my head and adding more stuff to do.

I was losing energy and motivation. I just felt … defeated by life. I didn’t have energy for my job, I didn’t have energy for my family, I didn’t even have the energy to be me

I felt like I was on a treadmill to nowhere. Do you know what I mean? I knew I had to make some changes. I desperately needed a break. I guess covid had the same idea. The forced time out allowed me to regroup and take care of my own physical, mental and emotional health. I literally experimented on myself – going natural and using energy medicine exercises and a lot of emotional and mindset work. I also used the time to study integrative health and delve more into energy medicine.

What I’ve realised is that true wellness really boils down to 6 core principles:
1.Reduce your stress
2.Nourish your mind and body
3.Rest & rejuvenate your mind and your body
4.Be in your natural flow
5.Do things that are meaningful to you
6.Connection & belonging

My philosophy is that it has to be simple and easy to do in order for me to do it and stick to it. I don’t do bootcamps or count calories, and I don’t do a zillion different supplements and superfoods. For me, simple is best. Simple is sustainable.

I know a lot of people are under extraordinary stress which is causing serious health issues. The physical, emotional and mental toll of our stressful lives is enormous.

I also know that busy, stressed-out professionals need help that is quick, practical and easy to do. That’s how I like to coach too – quick, simple, practical steps to wellness. We certainly don’t need more overwhelm!
As an energy coach and a certified Integrative Health Practitioner, I use simple, short energy techniques and natural health principles to gently guide stressed out professionals back to their natural state of health and wellness.

Jennifer Tak is a certified Integrative Health Practitioner, EFT Practitioner and Meditation Coach.

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With Me

Embodied Health

Simple, Sustainable Health For Busy Professionals

I help career-focused women who are struggling with chronic stress, ill-health and exhaustion to regain their energy, mental clarity and motivation naturally.

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