Hello, awesome readers! Today, we're diving into a topic that touches so many of our lives: the perilous habit of comparison, and why it's vital to escape its grasp for the sake of our joy and well-being.
The Pitfalls of Starting with Comparison
Embarking on a new venture, whether it's building a business or any other pursuit, is fraught with challenges. One temptation that's all too common is to measure our beginnings against others' middle or even their peaks. This, my friends, is a surefire recipe for feeling discouraged. We must remember that our journey is uniquely ours, and comparing our first steps to someone else's sprint is not only unfair but also counterproductive.
As humans, we're hardwired to look around and see how we stack up against others. But when we allow comparison to dictate our self-worth, we're doing ourselves a great disservice. It's a habit that can erode our mental health and chip away at our self-esteem, leaving us feeling inadequate and envious.
The Social Comparison Theory and Its Modern Twists
In the 1950s, social psychologist Leon Festinger introduced the world to the social comparison theory. This theory suggests that we have a natural tendency to assess our worth by looking at others. When we engage in what's called "upward social comparison," comparing ourselves to those we deem better off, we often end up feeling inadequate. On the flip side, comparing ourselves to those less fortunate might give a fleeting ego boost but can lead to guilt or complacency. Neither of these outcomes is desirable or helpful.
And let's talk about the giant in the room: social media. It's had a colossal impact on how we view ourselves and others. Numerous studies have linked heavy social media usage with increased depression, anxiety, and lower self-esteem. Why? Because these platforms are notorious for showcasing curated, polished snapshots of life that dose not reflect reality. This sets the stage for unrealistic comparisons and the dreaded FOMO—fear of missing out—as we juxtapose our unfiltered lives with the highlight reels of others.
So, if you're feeling like you haven't accomplished enough, or you're lagging behind, I implore you: stop. Remember, you are exactly where you need to be. Progress is made with small, consistent steps. Keep your eyes on your path and your pace.
The Path to Authentic Growth
Building anything of value comes with its share of mundane tasks—be it business chores like content creation or life chores like doing the dishes. It's crucial to embrace these tasks and not shy away from them for fear of not measuring up to someone else's seemingly effortless success.
I was recently reminded of the beauty of starting with what you have during a podcast interview. The host shared that she began her now-successful podcast with just a Zoom account and a microphone. That's it! She didn't wait for the perfect setup or compare her start to others; she just began. And that's the takeaway message: Just start. Start where you are, with what you have, and build from there.
As we continue on our journeys, let's cultivate gratitude for what we possess, not yearn for what we lack. Let's practice self-compassion and give ourselves grace when we falter. And if you ever feel the need to compare, compare yourself to your past self. Look at how far you've come, how much you've grown, and let that be the fuel that propels you forward, not the anchor that holds you back.
As we part ways today, remember: your path is your own, your pace is perfect, and your progress is the only measure that truly matters.