A Programme for Life Beyond Work

Are you approaching the end of your career employment, the end of your ‘job’, the end of your role, and the end of your position in the ‘world of work’?

Are you 100% clear on what’s going to happen next? If not, as is the case with most people, then perhaps this is for you.

Actualize Your Potential With

Energetic Self-Mastery

The seasoned advocate Happy Raw Reny commands an esteemed reputation in enabling

others to conquer emotional eating through psychology, nutrition, and yoga.

Identity Reboot

Reshape and redefine your own unique identity beyond the confines of your work role, promoting a smoother transition into the next exciting chapter of your life.

Future Confidence

Develop a clear and confident vision for your future, enabling you to engage in meaningful discussions on your funding options, streamlining the planning and empowering you for your coming years.

Journey Support

Benefit from continuing guidance even as you embark on your new journey, ensuring a constant sense of support, empowerment, and assurance as you explore your newfound freedom.

About John

The founder of Freedom Academy brings a diverse and rich career trajectory extending from concert promotion to systems analysis and from information management consulting to network marketing. After a series of transformative personal experiences, including retirement and divorce, a new venture was taken in life coaching, fostering a profound understanding of the challenges of significant life transitions.

Committed to empowering those stepping into the third stage of their life, the mission is to help them redefine personal significance and freedom. The Freedom Academy, founded in 2016, serves an audience entering retirement, aiming to transform their view of this period from a time of decline to a stage filled with potential for new adventures and experiences.

The approach is rooted in personal insight, empathetic understanding, and a deep drive to ensure no one just fades into the background in their later years.


"Within the first 2 weeks after Sai customized my niche and offer through Launch Accelerator, I signed my first high-end client for over $2000! I'm booked every week now without any cold outreach on my part. Worth 10X the investment easily."

- Mark H., Leadership Coach

"As an experienced coach, I was tired of playing small just because I didn't love the tech side of funnel building and marketing execution. Launch Accelerator was a total relief - within 30 days I had next level assets driving qualified leads automatically. Well worth the investment!"

- Sandra W., Health Coach

I struggled for months as a new coach attempting to self-build my website, offers, and marketing materials. It looked amateur and I couldn't land any real clients. After joining Launch Accelerator, my coaching practice became the envy of colleagues who've been in business for years! Game changer!"

- Ryan P., Mindset Coach

"I wasted thousands on various done-for-you services that overpromised results but never delivered more than basic templates. Launch Accelerator ACTUALLY built my full coaching business end-to-end in 30 days, with incredible attention to detail. Finally, my backend equals my talent!"

- Noah Z., Business Coach

"As a newer coach, Launch Accelerator gave me instant credibility I couldn't achieve on my own for years. After just 30 days my website, funnel, and packaging where on par with the top coaches in my industry. So grateful I invested in the best to truly unlock my potential!"

- Taylor J., Performance Coach

"After burning tons of cash and months on subpar freelancers who couldn't execute properly, I had almost given up. Then I stumbled onto Launch Accelerator which was the exact high quality done-FOR-you solution I needed bring my vision to reality. Coaches, do not pass this up or try building yourself!"

- Jessica P., Life Design Coach

Blog Posts

Disease Prevention

What Happens when you ‘Retire’?

April 06, 20244 min read

Did you know your retirement may well take up a third of your life? If you're fit and healthy it's likely you’ll live actively another 30 years after you retire even if it's at 70 or so. Retirement means leaving paid employment, your ‘career’ or your ‘job’ - the third or more of your life you spent working for someone else.

You probably spent 25 years ‘getting educated’ with those seemingly all important ‘qualifications’ you needed to get your first ‘proper’ job. The next 40 years, probably punctured with family and children, were spent building your career, your role, your expertise, your significance in life, and to a larger extent, if not all, your identity.

People always ask us not “Who are you?” but “What do you do?” and we reply with our job title shifting the emphasis from our personal interests, feelings and identity, to the role, the job we've taken on for someone else, so subsuming who we really are.

And when the job is gone, what happens then?

The Police Officer

Alan was a Detective Inspector in a UK police force. Two nights before he was due to retire he was called out at 2:00 AM to attend to an incident in town. (He never told me what it was of course) He was doing the job, enjoying the role and his position in the police, he was happy.

His partner was a private detective, very good at finding people and collecting debts. I like to think of  her as a sort of Miss Marple character - you'd never believe she was a debt collector if you met her. The plan was for Alen to join her in her successful business, and a few days later he went with her to recover some money owed by a farmer.

But there was something missing, and Alan ended up being chased off the premises by the farmer with a shotgun. Alan’s partner went back a few days later and successfully collected the debt.

Back to Square One

You see Alan had lost his confidence, he was no longer Detective Inspector Alan, and most importantly no longer had the little plastic card which said so. He was just an ordinary civilian with none of the authority or presence he had before. His role was gone, his identity was gone, his significance in the world was gone. He was back to who he was many years ago when he’d first joined the force and donned the uniform which turned him into someone else. I don't know what Alan is doing now.

When we retire like this, especially from a senior role, everything goes away with the identity we’ve assumed for so long. The company car, the expense account, the concessions, the privileges, the private office, the secretary or PA - the list goes on.


Sylvia hadn't really thought about it. She hadn't really planned on ‘retiring’ anytime soon but one day it all stopped and she no idea what to do next. Sylvia was CEO of a successful marketing company she'd helped to build up over 30 years, but now at 65 she was out on her ear.

You see her fellow board members had voted her out of her job, her role, the position of CEO. They made her an offer of a retirement package she couldn't refuse.  The alternative to accepting it would have been messy and probably damaged the company she'd nurtured over the years.

The decision by the board was essentially ageist. The average age of her colleagues was less than 35 and the irony of this was she’d appointed most of them. They’d come to the conclusion she was’ out of touch’ and not keeping up with the times or new technology. She was ‘holding them back’ from directions in which they wanted to go, and probably from some of the mistakes the company had made when she was building her career.

Anyway, the upshot was she was out of a job, and for similar reasons unlikely to find another at the same level. What next? Sylvia had no idea. She was on her own as the stresses of her job had led to a divorce and her children were independent and living in the other side of the world.

What to do - that was the question. Fortunately, Sylvia was introduced to someone who specialised in this transition from a ‘working life’ to a ‘living life’ not retirement into the background, but a new dawn and a new horizon matching her skills, talents and interests. What will you do when it all stops? And yes, it's a when, not an if.

The morning after the retirement party it's all gone.

You can prepare for your ‘life after work’ which may well be the most fulfilling and productive, from your point of view, stage of your life. Don’t leave it too late. Find out about the ‘PowerUp’ retirement transition programme now.

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Unlock the secret to better digestive health with 'Gut Feeling.' Discover how to nourish your gut and improve your overall well-being. ... more

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The Extra Mile: How to unlock your highest potential

Unlock the secret to better digestive health with 'Gut Feeling.' Discover how to nourish your gut and improve your overall well-being. ... more

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Chart Your Life After Work

A program for people who want to retire into a peaceful life

Turn retirement conundrums into clear plans with our specialized ‘Power-Up’ transition programme, transforming apprehension into assuredness and confusion into concrete steps.

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