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omega 3 supplement

Why take an omega 3 supplement?

September 25, 20234 min read

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Did you know that omega 3 fatty acids are critically important to your health?  So why take an omega 3 supplement?  Omega 3 is one of the key building blocks for your cells, hormones, myelin.  You need it for brain health, heart health, hormones, skin health and so much more!

What is omega 3?

Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid which forms part of your cell membranes. O

mega 3 is critical to many functions of your body.

What is omega 3 important to me?

Omega 3 is a essential for keeping your body functioning properly. Omega 3 has many functions throughout your body, most importantly in heart health, blood vessels, lungs, immunity and hormones. It is especially important for brain health – omega 3 forms part of the myelin sheath around nerve cells which helps the nerve cells fire properly.

What are the symptoms of omega 4 deficiency?

Because omega 3 impacts so many different functions in your body, a defiency may show up in seemingly unrelated symptoms. Some of the most common symtoms of omega 3 deficiency are:

  • dry, scaly skin

  • dry eyes

  • poor concentration and forgetfulness

  • depression

  • joint pain

  • weight gain

My personal experience – I had terribly dry, flaky skin, and more so during winter. I had to moisturise every few hours while at work. I became very self-conscious about my skin. You know how the moisturiser ads say you’ll have beautiful, soft skin if you try this brand or that brand? I have tried so many different moisturisers but nothing helped.

When I started taking an omega 3 supplement, I noticed a significant improvement in my skin condition. I even noticed that I can tolerate the sun better now.

My skin looks pretty good now – I use a paraben and perfume free moisturiser and take my omega 3 supplements daily. .

This is, of course, my personal experience, and obviously I don’t know if omega 3 can help you the same way I think it worked for me. But I do know that omega 3 is critical for my body generally, not just my skin.

How do I get omega 3?

Your body cannot create it’s own omega 3 so you need to get it from food, like fatty fish, vegetable oils, nuts, seeds and leafy vegetables. Salmon and anchovies have a high omega 3 content. Farmed salmon may be higher in contaminants than wild caught salmon so wild salmon is a healthier option if you can get it.

It is recommended that you have salmon 2 to 3 times a week to get sufficient omega 3 through your diet. Pregnant women

Here are 5 salmon recipes to help you incorporate more omega 3-rich salmon into your diet. [insert pic]

Chia seeds also contain a good amount of omega 3.  Try this matcha chia pudding for a healthy treat.

How do I know if I really am omega 3 deficient?

If you have any of the symptoms described above, this is a good indication that you may have an omega 3 deficiency. However, if you really want to see the numbers, you can do the Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test functional lab test that will show you your current omega 6 to omega 3 ratios. You do need both omega 6 and omega 3 but most people on the typical western diet, have too much omega 6 relative to omega 3. You can order it online and the test kit will be shipped to you. No need to leave your home. This lab comes with a 30-minute coaching call with a qualified health coach to help you understand the test results and give you personalised recommendations.

Why take an omega 3 supplement?

If you’re not eating omega 3-rich foods regularly and in sufficient quantities (for example, having anchovies, salmon or other fatty fish at least twice a week), you probably won’t be getting enough omega 3 from your diet alone.

If you’re looking for an high quality omega 3 supplement with no fishy aftertaste, take a look at EquiLife. EquiLife uses all natural products. The EquiLife omega 3 supplement uses a triglyceride formula for increased absorption.You can get it in omega 3 softgels or an omega 3 liquid.

Remember, with any supplement, speak to your primary health care provider about possible interaction with medications you may be taking.



However you get your omega 3’s, whether you up your intake of fatty fish and nuts and seeds, or you take an omega 3 supplement, it is essential that you get the right amount of omega 3 levels for optimum health.

The information in this article is for general information purposes only. It is not intended as medical, health, nutritional or other advice. You should obtain professional advice from a medical, health or other practitioner in relation to your personal circumstances.

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